Top 10 Myths About Gun Safes

One of the things that gun owners have to invest in is a gun safe.  With a gun safe, owners will be able to secure their expensive property. More importantly, the best gun safe ensures gun owners that their weapons are away from the reach of their children and unauthorized persons.

Unfortunately, not all gun owners are properly educated on gun safes. Some of them still believe in myths about gun safes, such as the following:

It is better to have a poor gun safe than to have none at all.

Perhaps this is the most common myth among gun safe owners. But having a poor gun safe can be considered a trap, as it gives the gun owner a false sense of security. With cheap gun safes, the likelihood is high that it would eventually be breached by a thief.

A gun cabinet is the same as a gun storage.

This is very much wrong. A gun safe has a very simple lock that burglars can easily bypass. A gun safe, meanwhile, has a more complicated locking system.

You don’t need to bolt down the gun safe.

This myth may have been brought about by the size and construction of gun safe. Because a gun safe is typically large and heavy, gun owners think that they don’t have to bolt it down.

They assume that burglars would be more interested in opening the safe instead of stealing the entire apparatus. However, there have been lots of incidences where burglars steal the safe.

Electronic locks are safer than mechanical counterparts.

Most gun owners feel that an electronic lock is safer than a mechanical lock. Sure, it may look more sophisticated or advance, but it doesn’t mean it is safer all the time. In a case of a fire, a gun safe with an electronic lock has the potential to stop working.

Gun safes will deter burglars.

Gun safes will deter burglars.This goes back to the false sense of security that gun safes give to their owners. The line of thinking is that with a gun safe, their weapons are easily out of reach of criminals.

Burglars may not be able to unlock the weapon safe, but they’re resourceful enough to steal the entire safe and open it at a later time.

It’s not important where you put your gun safe, as long as you have one.

Gun owners tend to overlook the importance of gun safe location. But putting in a highly accessible location may backfire on gun owners as repair people, for instance, may be tempted to burglarize it.

Putting it in the basement is fine, but it also means there’s a great risk for the gun safe to be damaged in a fire.

Home fires pose a greater risk than burglary.

This may be a reason why many gun owners opt for a fireproof gun safe. However, data from the FBI in 2011 showed that burglary happens every nine seconds in the United States. The National Fire Protection Association, meanwhile, says that fires happen every 2 minutes.

An alarm system is better than the gun safe.

Many gun owners also feel they would rather invest in an alarm system than buy the best biometric gun safe.  However, many burglars have tricks up their sleeves. They are clever enough to know how to disable an alarm system, barge into a house, and do serious damage there.

Thick doors offer optimum protection.

One of the first things that gun owners look for in a gun safe, whether it is a fingerprint gun safe or a mechanical type, is the thickness of the door. But there are many safe manufacturers that are known to make the door appear thick in a bid to dupe gun owners in buying their safes.

Gun safes offer total protection to guns.

Sure, most gun safes are fire and water resistant. But not all can protect your guns against natural disasters like earthquakes and heavy storms. Gun safes with inferior materials and poor construction can also easily rust and get damage if set on fire.

Knowing these myths and getting the facts straight can help gun owners in finding the best gun safe for their weapons.

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